I’ve never been the type of person to get hung up on making New Year’s resolutions because I’ve always failed to keep them. And I’m certain that I’m not alone. Whether it’s starting a new hobby, getting on a diet program or waking up early.
Whatever that resolution may be, it usually does not last beyond the first few weeks of the year. And then you forget about it.
But why not keep things simple when it comes to our resolutions. For example, if you’re a coffee drinker, why not try changing things up at the start of the year?
This seems more reasonable to me because it’s not some far-fetched resolution that’s beyond your comfort zone. Since you’re already a coffee drinker, you’re changing things up rather than starting something completely new!
I’ve come up with a few ideas that you can try. And of course, I am about to do the same!
Trying a New Coffee Roast
We all have our favorite roasts. I’ve always been more of a medium roast drinker myself. So why not change things up? You don’t even need to change the particular brand of coffee that you’re drinking. Just check the packaging and it should be quite visible in telling you what type of roast you’re looking at.
Light Roast
Though at first glance, you may think that “Light Roast” means “less caffeine”. I know I did at first. Actually, lighter roast coffee has more caffeine, due to the roasting process. And since light roast beans are denser than the dark roast beans, it will have more caffeine. But this is still a good choice if you want a milder taste in your coffee.
Medium Roast
These beans have been roasted longer than the lighter roast, but not as long as the dark roast. This has been my comfort zone when it comes to my own choices, as I tend to pick up on more flavors with a hint of nuts, chocolate and other variety of flavors.
This particular roast has a mid-level acidity and fuller body, with the temperature bringing out more flavors to it.
Dark Roast
The second someone says, “Dark Roast” to me, the first thing that I think about is “being burnt” because it actually sounds as if these beans were roasted to be the darkest, or maybe, the “burnt”.
Actually, the taste in the darker brews would actually be more “nuttier” and “chocolaty”. Even more like caramel in a sense too, as the sugars are actually getting burned, allowing more of this flavor to come through.
Trying a New Location
This is something that we can take for granted. I know I tend to drop by the same, usual coffee places in my area. First, I do this because it’s convenient. When I used to drive to commute to work regularly, I’d stop by the nearest coffee location that was across the street from my house to fill up my thermos. Or when I was studying in college to pass my classes, I’d hang out at the same Starbucks location only because they knew my name and how I took my coffee.
But when I opened myself up to trying new different locations, whether it be an independent coffee house, or a coffee chain – it got me out of my comfort zone – not only in trying new places and meeting new people, but in experiencing different brands of coffee.
Trying Ice Coffee
Now Ice Coffee is something that I’ve always found odd, as I’ve been used to drinking hot coffee all of my life. I’ve always felt that coffee should only be at ONE temperature, and that’s hot. But yet, when I think about it – I’ve also heard of hot tea and iced tea – and I actually find a glass of iced tea to be one of my favorites and much sweeter compared to hot tea.
Ice Coffee isn’t really cold brewed coffee – but instead, it’s just brewed and served chilled. And this is where you can ask for additional toppings and flavors, such as whipped cream, vanilla, cinnamon, hot or cold syrups, chocolate, nuts or anything else to spice it up!
Now when it comes to waking up first thing in the morning or grabbing a cup to keep me awake at night – it’s got to be hot coffee. But I’d compare Ice Coffee to Iced Tea and would drink it as a delicacy to enjoy in the middle of the day or after lunch.
Trying Black Coffee (Straight)
Now this completely goes against my nature. Drinking black coffee is almost like having it ‘unflavored’ for me. No sugar, cream, milk, sweetener. Just straight black. I only find it strange because my first sip of Maxwell House coffee when I was a kid was from my mother, who made sure to add the milk with a small amount of sugar. And as great as it first tasted, I remember that I had a hard time falling asleep that night.
Yet – it’s still worth trying. Actually, straight black coffee would be healthier for us, and lower in calories since were not adding any of the additional condiments. As for the taste? Somewhat bitter, bland, and ‘thinner’. I say thinner because that creamy texture from the milk is not there and I’m able to get down the basic black coffee. Though it will take some time to get used to, black coffee is still worth trying when it comes to changing things up.
Drinking Coffee at Home
I thought about placing this option first on my list because it could be a huge difference maker. Try drinking coffee at home, by brewing your own coffee, whether it’s with a coffee pot, kettle, pot, Keurig, or any other means to brew it. Sure – it takes effort on your part of going through the process, but that once you try it, you may actually find pleasure in it. There are some true coffee connoisseurs who take pleasure in the process as much as enjoying their favorite cup of coffee.
The other advantage is that you’re saving a bit on the cost of coffee that you may otherwise spend when you go to your local coffee chain or coffee house.
What are some of your thoughts on changing up some of your coffee habits for the New Year?