Are you one of those individuals who needs a cup of coffee while performing any other activities? Like – it’s an absolute MUST that you have your coffee while your on a long commute? Or perhaps, a coffee while you’re working on that crossword puzzle? Or a cup of coffee while you working on your laptop? (Which by the way – I have a cup of Joe nearby while writing this blog)
For me – that one task where I must have a cup of coffee is writing – whether it’s on my laptop pounding away at the keys, or legal pad. I just find that having that cup of coffee by my side seems to put me in the right mood and mindset. But why is that?
Can coffee improve my creativity and make me a better writer?
Coffee and Writing
I’ve discovered that the two most common things that I always see in any coffee shop or coffee house, be it a corporate coffee chain or some independent location, is that customers are usually enjoying their coffee while either writing or reading.
Think about it. No one shows up at a coffee shop just to sip their coffee for half-hour and stare (though personally, I’d still take pleasure in simply enjoying a cup of coffee on a simple break from work with just my thoughts)
But for the most part, everyone else is either reading something – whether it be paper or electronic, writing or typing away. It seems as if there’s some additional benefit in this atmosphere of having coffee while you work. Does it make them concentrate better? Focus? Maybe fight off that two o’clock feeling of grogginess?
Coffee as a stimulant
Does coffee motivate me to write? It seems that just by getting into the process of making my cup of coffee, I’m putting my brain into that mode of preparation – as though I’m about to get laser focused. Likewise, I do the same thing before I have to take a road trip in my car – having my travel mug of coffee ready.
Many studies have shown that coffee binds to our adenosine receptors, which will block the binding of adenosine to its receptor. This indirectly affects the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which can alter our mood, memory and cognitive functions.
This is one of the reasons I make sure I have a hot cup of coffee when starting work for the day from my laptop, writing, blogging, or any other mental activity. I mentioned in one of my earlier blogs about how just the process of making coffee can trigger something in me. I’m not sure it’s mental or not. But it’s like my brain is telling me – OK, we’re about to get into something that requires a little extra focus, a little extra attention to detail, and some motivation. It seems to work every time for me!
Can Coffee help me focus better?
Another important benefit that I’ve thought about when it comes to having coffee while I’m writing or blogging is concentration. Sometimes there are occasions when my brain can get easily distracted, especially when I’m working at my laptop either on a project, blog or other task.
Now I’m not saying that having a cup of coffee is the ultimate solution to keep from getting distracted or not concentrating. There’s obviously some self-control that I need to do on my part – like not surfing the web when I’m working or putting my phone aside if necessary.
But, having that cup of coffee at my side does make my task a bit more ‘intentional’.
Writers in the coffee shop
I already discussed some benefits of drinking coffee – including the positive mood that it can put you in. As a part of my current writing course, one thing that I’ve learned to help fight off writer’s block is to always make sure that I’m in my writing space, in the right mood.
And one of the better additives that have always assisted me in this area has been a cup of coffee. It’s hardly ever had a negative effect on me.
Some more famous writers in history have spent time writing in coffee shops, from TF Elliot, F Scott Fitzgerald, all the way up to as recent as J.K. Rowling who created her early Harry Potter novels in the Elephant House in Edinburgh.
And one of the better additives that have always assisted me in this area has been a cup of coffee. It’s hardly ever had a negative effect on me.
Some more famous writers in history have spent time writing in coffee shops, from TF Elliot, F Scott Fitzgerald, all the way up to as recent as J.K. Rowling who created her early Harry Potter novels in the Elephant House in Edinburgh.
As I am working on my first draft of my science fiction novel, one of the important things that my mentors have taught me is to always make sure that I’m in the right mood and writing space before writing. And I’ve discovered that there are a few benefits to having that cup of coffee right beside me when trying to reach that word count.
First, it stimulates my thought process. As I’ve mentioned earlier, thanks to those adenosine receptors, the caffeine is doing its part in raising my dopamine and glutamate levels, giving me extra little UMPH that I need to take off!
Second, I find that coffee is something that I can connect with my writing schedule. Not only do I now set a specific time and place for writing and blogging, but make sure that I have the proper beverage – especially if I need to schedule a writing session later in the evening after a long day.
Third – writing seems to go hand in hand with being a writer and author. There seems to be a sense of loneliness when it comes to writing and getting your thoughts down on paper, or through the keyboard. Often times, I need to write, cross out, delete, rewrite, or save as a draft over and over again until I get it right. Even gathering my thoughts with this blog is quite the effort. Writing isn’t easy. And that’s why if I feel like coffee is the perfect companion for this endeavor and helping us to get through it.
What are your thoughts? Are you a writer who enjoys coffee? Or finds the need to always have that cup of coffee by your side when writing? I’d like to hear from you!